Post-Liquid Nitrogen Treatment

  • During the treatment with liquid nitrogen, you may have felt a burning sensation – this is normal. 

  • Some patients may develop mild redness and blisters, which is a part of the normal healing process. 

    • Do not pick at or break the blisters. 

    • Do not try to remove the blister yourself as this could increase the risk of infection.

  • Apply Bacitracin ointment twice-a-day for approximately one week following the procedure (if you are not allergic). 

  • It is fine to get the area wet.

    • When cleansing the area, do not use harsh abrasives. 

    • Be sure to blot the procedure site dry carefully and delicately.  

    • Avoid taking long baths, washing the dishes (if treated areas are on the hands), and swimming one day after the treatment. 

  • If you start to experience signs of an infection such as fever, swelling, tenderness or oozing from the site, please call our office